/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns/ AddOn C FolderName / files (where AddOn A Folder.B. are the names of the actual folders that the addons create) 9. At the character select screen, there should be an 'AddOns' button in the lower left corner. ○ Firstly, either you can go to this website to find AddOns which you like and download them, or you can choose from the list that I have mentioned below. ○ Secondly, select the mod you like and download it. ○ Thirdly, you will see a compressed file on your desktop or wherever you choose to download the file. Quick Start Tutorial for Creating Your First Addon. Conceptual Introduction: Lua is the scripting language addons use to work with ESO. A double dash (-) creates a comment in Lua. This is a comment. Be sure to use comments a lot, and get used to reading them:) Scripting is not trivial. Use your references extensively and frequently.
How to do a DPS Parse & Optimize Your Damage in ESO
This Elder Scrolls Online guide teaches you how to run a proper DPS parse as well as improve and optimize your damage. In addition, this guide shows you two amazing addons for PC that will make this process extremely easy and give you a detailed explanation of the damage your doing and how your Champion Points can be improved to increase your damage output.
First question that people always ask is “what is a parse?” Simply put, a parse is like a snapshot of how much damage a character can deal in a certain time period. Guild leaders and trials leaders like to know how much DPS someone can parse when determining if they are eligible to join their raid team. To measure this, we use target dummies, which can be purchased and placed in your player home to use for damage parsing. The three primary dummies you’ll be using to DPS parse are as follows:
- Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 3 million health. Most commonly used by newer players or to just get a quick snapshot of what your damage looks like.
- Robust Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 6 million health. This dummy is the gold standard for trials, and when most group leaders ask for a parse, they want it done on the Robust Skeleton since the longer fight puts a bit more strain on your sustain (which better mimics a trials environment).
- Iron Atronach – A target dummy with 21 million health that also has all buffs/debuffs that would be present in a trial, as well as provides the Shards synergy periodically to help with resource sustain. This dummy is great for solo parsing (since major penetration buffs, elemental drain, shards synergy, etc are provided by the dummy) and getting a rough idea of how much damage your build will deal with all raid buffs running.
There are some “standards” though that you do need to follow when doing a DPS parse. These standards are helpful for establishing how much damage you’ll pull in a trials environment. These standards include allowed help from outside players, as well as how much penetration your character should have, and they are as follows:
- Use the 6 million dummy or the 21 million dummy. Guilds typically want to see one of these parses, as the 3 million dummy parses don’t last long enough to more accurately simulate a raid encounter’s duration.
- Note that if you are using the Iron Atronach, you do not need the outside help such as Piercing Mark & Energy Orbs as the Iron Atronach will provide those buffs for you.
- A Nightblade can use piercing mark for classes that dont have access to major fracture in their kit, so if your parsing as a Stamina Necromancer, Stamina Sorcerer or Stamina Templar. This is allowed since major fracture will always be present in a group environment.
- All magicka DPS will remove their damage shield/defensive skill and replace it with Elemental Drain, which should be maintained at all times throughout the parse. This provides major breach and minor magickasteal. This is allowed since a healer will always be providing these debuffs inside of a group enironment.
- Your maximum physical or spell penetration is limited to a maximum value of about 12K. If you want the explanation as to why, check this guide out.
- Energy Orbs can be provided by a healer for resource sustain and to help procs sets that require a synergy. Again, these will always be present in a group environment.
Recommended addons for DPS parsing:
- Combat Metrics: This is the gold standard damage parsing addon. Gives an extremely detailed report on your damage parses which are incredibly helpful for improving and getting a look into how your parse went.
- Constellations: You can import combat metrics parses into this addon, and it will help optimize your blue CP for your particular setup to help you get as much damage at of your champion points as possible.
Using too many addons will impact your game’s performance a lot.
That is why I am making this list of the top 10 essential ESO addons that will cover 90% of you needs in ESO without bloating your game or adding too much clutter.
My preference is to get very lightweight addons that do one thing really well. I am not a big fan of huge kits that have tons of features that I am only using a third of.
I’ve split this list into two parts, 5 essential addons you absolutely need, and another 5 that you might want depending on your play style.
In the first list I will talk about addons that anyone should get, beginners included. They are addons that could have been core features of the game.

The second list will feature extremely useful addons which could according to some people be considered cheat, which is why I would not recommend them to everyone, and if you are a beginner you might want to enjoy the purity of the game first.
I wrote an article on the best way to install addons in the Elder Scrolls Online in case you are unsure of the process. If you are installing them manually, I definitely recommend you check it out as there is a much better way.
5 Essential ESO addons you absolutely need
1: Votan’s Minimap
I have tried a few other mini maps, Votan’s minimap is simply the best. It does not slow down your game at all and it never bugs out. Many other minimap plugins try to do fancy things which breaks them and makes your game run slower.
I mean come on.. This is something that should have been a core feature of the game and how Zenimax overlooked this feature is absolutely beyond me. Anyways, rant over.
Being without a minimap in a game like ESO is like eating bananas with the peel on.
I really feel for you console players who can’t get a mini map 🙁
2: Kyoma’s Repair ‘n Recharge
This handy addon will automatically repair your armor with repair kits and recharge your enchanted weapons as they deplete with soul gems.
You can set a threshold for when the repair kit and soul gem should fire. It’s a very nice and lightweight plugin that does one job and one job only.
3: Master Merchant
Warning: Master Merchant is heavy and definitely impacts your game’s performance. Especially upon login.
While it has a heavy impact on your machine, it is too good an addon to not feature on this list.
Master Merchant will tell you the average sale price in the guild stores of ANY item you hover on. This makes it easy to decide whether something is worth keeping or not.
Not only that but also when you are buying things off guild traders, you can immediately see whether you are being overcharged or if you have a bargain on your hands.
I usually play with Master Merchant turned off, I then go in and activate it when I know I will be doing some trading. After a while, you kind of memorize the prices of things as well which allows you to rely less on Master Merchant.
4: Dustman
Dustman puts all your undesired items in your junk bag. You can set up which kind of items you want Dustman to mark as trash etc so no worries, you won’t lose any particular items you would like to keep.
Why is this so great? Well, instead of spending 5 minutes at the merchant selling stuff after an adventure, you simply click “Sell all junk” and you are done.
5: Dolgubons Lazy Writ Creator
This is only really needed if you do writs. But I assume most of you do so, I am featuring it here because I could not play ESO without this addon.
Lazy Writ Crafter allows you to craft the items needed for your writs with the click of a single button. No more fumbling around trying to remember what was on the list, crafting the wrong thing and on it goes.
It also take this process from being a 10 minute thing to 30 seconds.
Not only that, but it also opens up all the loot you get when turning in your writs, so now you don’t need to go looking for the shipment boxes and all that anymore in your inventory.
It’s a fantastic addon and I highly recommend it!
5 ESO Addons you probably need
Ok, this list will carry more specific addons that you may or may not find useful depending on what you like to do in the game.
As mentioned above, some of these may be considered cheating by certain folks which is also why I won’t say that you HAVE to get it.
Eso How To Install Mods
6: Skyshards
This addon will mark every skyshard that you have not yet collected on your map.
Yeah.. There was a time when I refused to install this because got damn it I wanted to find them myself!!!
But as I was running low on skill points I caved in…. And so will you.
7: Combat Metrics
Combat Metrics records all your actions during a battle. It shows your DPS (damage per second) live along with your group’s total DPS.
You can also see healing done, damage taken etc.
At the end of a fight, you can open up the main window for Combat Metrics and get tons of useful information about how you performed.
It can see your up time of abilities, how much damage each ability dealt etc.
I know the interface is a little scary at first but if you want to increase your DPS and you are practicing on a dummy you need to get this addon.
Without this addon you are completely in the dark regarding how efficient you are with your damage output.
If you don’t really care about damage, well maybe skip this one 🙂
Note: I also tried Recount but I prefer Combat Metrics, it is cleaner, has more information and seems more consistent.
8: Code’s Combat Alerts
This is also a little bit cheating, but it makes veteran dungeons and trials a LOT easier.
It will warn you of incoming one-shot kill attacks so that you have time to dodge. It also warns you of upcoming events during boss battles etc.
It is really handy for doing hard dungeons, but I do agree that this is definitely in the cheating realm.
9: Srendarr
S’rendarr allows you to set up custom tracking for buffs and debuffs on your interface. It is a little complicated to understand at first but it’s worth taking the time setting this up.
You can decide which abilities you would like to track and have those show up anywhere you want so that you can keep track of how much time you have left on, ie Power Surge for Sorcerers.
You can also set up notifications for when certain abilities proc, Crystal Fragments being a good example.
How To Use Addons On Eso

You can set this addon up pretty much any way you like, just spend a little time with it and you will have a nice setup that works just for you.
If you feel like adding more things to your interface would just confuse you, you might want to skip this one for now.
10: Alpha Gear
Alpha gear lets you set up presets for different gear and ability setups. If you have one set up for PVP and one for PVE, you can switch between the two with a single button click.
Alpha gear will automatically take off and replace all your armor, weapons and swap out your skills based on your preset.
If you are switching between sets this is a must-have. If you tend to stick to the same equipment then skip this one.
Honorable mentions
Eso How To Use Addons
Yeah, that’s right another cheat addon but I don’t feel bad about this one! Leveling up the mage’s guild was by far the worst experience for me in ESO, and I was using this addon.
I don’t even want to know how painful it must be to do it by just searching for those books! I would have still been looking! And the mage’s guild skill line is ESSENTIAL to many classes.
Anyways the addon will show you where are the lore books are located on your map 🙂
Lost Treasure
Marks your map with an X for every treasure map and crafting surveys you currently hold in your inventory.
Eso How To Install Addons 2019
I hope you found some nuggets on this list that you will enjoy! If you feel like there is an addon missing on this list that I need to know about, please drop a comment!
Thanks for reading!